.:: tgcRSS |
tgcRSS allows reading data out of RSS-feeds. It
supports several versions of RSS documents.
It allows using different backends to read the
xml-data of the RSS-feed. Currently Expat and
DOM XML are supported.
You get result-objects for an RSS-feeds items,
channel-, textinput- and image-information.
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.:: tgcSPL |
tgcSPL contains several classes like Iterators
or FilterIterators that can be used under PHP5.
These classes provide some functionality the
SPL didn't offer, when I needed it.
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.:: tgcCalendar |
tgcCalendar allows you to some basic date-calculations on operations.
It provides methods like getMonth(), getYear(), isDayOfWeekend() and several more.
You can also generate a tabular calendar that can mark different dates in different ways.
The graphical methods use an underlying templating engine and Cascading Stylesheets
what allows you to easily change the layout to fit your needings.
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.:: tgcSimplePoll |
SimplePoll is a small but powerful voting-booth script. It uses a MySQL database to store
the contents. The layout is easily adjustable because tgcSimplePoll uses patTemplate as templating engine.
So you can create a skin on your own without much efforts.
Simple layout changes can be done using Cascading Stylesheets.
tgcSimplePoll ships to you with a admin-area where you can comfortably manage your different polls and view their results.
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.:: tgcSession |
Session-Management in PHP in some cases is dependent on the PHP version you are using. tgcSession
provides you with a unified API and handles the session-management for you. It wraps all available
session functions of PHP.
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.:: tgcSqlBuilder |
tgcSqlBuilder allows you to build SQL-statements using an object-oriented interface instead of
many string-concatenations. You can simply build your queries with methods like addWhere(), setLimit()
or others.
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.:: tgcPolarBears |
tgcPolarbears is a class that allows you to run a game that originally is a dice-game.
It is about the northpole and polar bears that are sitting around water-holes.
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.:: ext/id3 |
Ext/id3 is an extension for PHP that is written in C. It allows to read and write ID3 tags
of mp3-files.
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.:: Date_Holidays |
Date_Holidays helps you calculating the dates and titles of holidays and other special celebrations. The calculation is driver-based so it is easy to add new drivers that calculate a country's holidays. The methods of the class can be used to get a holiday's date and title in various languages.
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.:: Services_Ebay |
ServicesEbay is an interface to eBay's XML-API. It provides objects that are able to communicate with eBay as well as models that help you working with the return values like User or Item models. The Services_Ebay class provides a unified method to use all objects.
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.:: Http_SessionServer |
HTTP_SessionServer is a simple PHP based daemon that helps you maintaining state between physically different hosts.
It implements a very simple protocol to store and retrieve data on the server. The storage backend is driver based and supports your local filesystem as well as PEAR::DB as a container. HTTP_SessionServer comes with a matching client implementation using Net_Socket as well as a session save handler.
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.:: CodeGen_PECL |
CodeGen_PECL (formerly known as PECL_Gen) is a pure PHP replacement for the ext_skel shell script that comes with the PHP 4 source. It reads in configuration options, function prototypes and code fragments from an XML description file and generates a complete ready-to-compile PECL extension.
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.:: PartMet-Backup |
PartMet-Backup has been developed to prevent the loss of part.met-files after system-crashes or other ugly things that happen when using computers. If you lose those file or they get corrupted your ed2k-client will be unable to repeat the downloads. And as there are only few recovery-tools and even less are working fine you will certainly have to restart your download if anything bad happens to the part.met-files
PartMet-Backup helps you to secure the part.met-files. It backups the relevant files in regular intervals that you may customize. All this can be done automatically and it also takes care whether your ed2k-client is running at all, to be sure not to overwrite a valid backup with a corrupt one.
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.:: SmartCover |
This is a pretty simple application that allows you to print your cd-covers in the
right size to use them with your cds. Nothing more and nothing less.
The application is written in Visual-Basic so you'll probably have to download a
Visual-Basic Runtime.
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.:: ID3v1-Lib |
This is a library containing functions for all important operations that can be helpful
when working with ID3 tags. It supports tags of versions 1.0 and 1.1.
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